Lights! Camera! Take Action!

Inspiring change through powerful stories and community action. Connect with our Community Allies and be part of the solution by taking action on the environmental issues that matter most to you.

At LandxSea Film Fest, when credits roll and the lights go up, then our Festival audiences are ready to learn more and play their part. We work with filmmakers, environmental experts, and local partners to make sure that spark of inspiration turns into meaningful change. We help channel audience energy into real-world action. At the 2023 festival, our festival-goers have walked out of screenings with bags of wildflower seeds after Riverwoods; been ready to ask tough questions about fossil fuel divestment following The Oil Machine; and been awe inspired by personal conversations with marine biologist Patrick Dysktra at Patrick and the Whale.

In 2024, we're giving you even more ways to act. After watching, share your next steps by making a Green Pledge or recording a video reaction with Green Speak Out—your voice matters.

Make My Pledge          Speak Out

Thank you to our 2024 Community Allies!

We're proud to partner with a range of regional and national organisations committed to environmental change. In 2024, we're focused on five key themes to inspire action and empower audiences to make a difference.

  • Artists & Environment
  • Coastal Erosion
  • Land Ownership
  • People & Animals
  • Women's Leadership
  • Learn more...

2050 Climate Group

Empowering young people to shape Scotland’s climate future. While working towards net zero, this organisation campaigns with a strong focus towards the environment, combatting coastal erosion and protecting sustainable land ownership.

Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire Greens

Advocating for environmental justice and green policies in the Northeast, contributing to action on coastal erosion and sustainable land ownership.

Angus Climate Hub

Supporting local communities in climate action, with a key focus on coastal erosion and resilience in Angus.

Angus Council Waste Management

Driving local waste reduction and recycling initiatives, helping communities embrace sustainable practices and reduce environmental impact.


Championing for the conservation of all invertebrates, Buglife works to protect the creatures of our natural world. The organisation places a key focus on the environment, working throughout the connection between people and animals.

Dundee Contemporary Arts (DCA)

Supporting Scottish creativity through empowering contemporary art, illustrating the artists and environment theme, empowering people throughout the local community.

Glasgow Women’s Library

Championing women's voices and leadership in climate action, closely linked to our theme of women's leadership in environmental change.


Fighting for global environmental justice, contributing to actions on coastal erosion, people and animals, and biodiversity protection.

Highlands & Islands Climate Hub

Building local climate resilience in remote regions, with a strong emphasis on land ownership and managing coastal erosion.

Inverclyde Community Development Trust

Promoting community-driven environmental solutions, supporting actions around land ownership and sustainable community planning.

Lower Impact Living—Lil CIC

Helping individuals and communities live more sustainably, connecting to land ownership and fostering eco-conscious people and animals interactions.

Montrose Polar Bears

Raising awareness of climate change through community-led wild swimming, connecting people with nature and coastal ecosystems.

Paws on Plastic

Encouraging pet owners to reduce litter and plastic pollution, directly linking to the people and animals theme.

Repair Café

Empowering communities to reduce waste by fixing broken items, fostering sustainable habits and promoting a circular economy.

Robert Gordon University Go Green

Raising awareness towards environmentalism within Robert Gordon University and externally, with a key focus to make sustainability more accessible, protecting people, land and the environment.

Scottish Communities Climate Action Network (SCCAN)

Supporting grassroots climate action and community resilience across Scotland, linking to all five themes, especially coastal erosion and land ownership.

Scotland’s Towns Partnership

Enhancing sustainability in Scotland’s towns through regeneration and climate action, with a focus on land ownership and artists and environment.

Scottish Wildlife Trust—Montrose Basin Visitor Centre

Working to protect wildlife and habitats, connecting to people and animals and coastal erosion.


Inspiring environmental change through arts and sound, aligning with the artists and environment theme.

Udny Climate Action

Promoting sustainable energy and community action, linking to land ownership and people and animals in the context of local environmental action.

University of Aberdeen Museums and Special Collections

Championing for the protection of Scottish history, artefacts and the environment, working to protect the vibrant cultural landscape of the Northeast. This partner places a strong emphasis on artists and environment