Ways to Get Involved in Our Youth Programmes


1. Young People Attend LandxSea for Free!


It's free for local young people to attend the Festival and learn more about environmental issues, join discussions, and meet filmmakers and guests.

Complimentary tickets for any of our programmes* are available for anyone aged 18 and under, as well as for individuals with a valid student ID.

Get your school, college, or youth organisation involved! The next LandxSea Film Fest is scheduled for 12-14 September 2025. Keep an eye out for our programme announcement in August to get tickets for this year's Festival.

For youth group ticket requests, please email [email protected]

(*excludes the Montrose Playhouse 'Kid's Club' screening that takes place during the Festival weekend).


2. Free Schools Programme at the Fest


Are you looking for an educational and inspiring field trip opportunity? Bring your class to LandxSea's free schools programme at the Montrose Playhouse on 12th September!

This event is a great opportunity for young people in Primary or Secondary school to learn about current environmental issues, get involved in discussions, and meet filmmakers and environmental leaders. 

Here's what we go up to in 2024, with local pupils enjoying special screenings and Q&As for Billy & Molly: An Otter Love Story and X Trillion.

More information on our 2025 programme will be available soon.


Festival audience


3. Young Filmmaker Competition


Your chance to show your environmental film on the big screen!

Every year, we screen films from young people who are actively protecting our planet and getting involved in filmmaking.

Enter the Young Filmmaker Competition to win cash prizes and a special screening of your film at LandxSea Film Fest in September 2025. From recycling to taking transit to growing a garden, show us how you're making a difference.

The contest is open to young filmmakers age 18 and under. It is free to enter and there are no restrictions on length, style, genre, or how many entries you may submit. Finalists are entered into competition for our Young Filmmaker Award!

Ready to make a difference? Enter your film today!

Competition Details & Entry Form



4. Youth-Led Panels & Workshops


Passionate about ways to make a difference? Have the opportunity to speak on youth-led panels and workshops.

Stay tuned for details on how to participate in upcoming festivals.


Photo of festival audience at LandxSea 2023 by Anthony Baxter.