We couldn't do this without our eco-savvy, movie-loving community. Join us!
LandxSea is a deeply rooted community organisation and we can't do this without you. Ticket sales cover less than 15% of our festival budget. Your support is channeled directly to our programmes, bringing powerful and compelling environmental films & discussions to audiences in Angus.
With your support we can connect even more people to green ideas and actions in 2024.
Unlock a world of opportunity by becoming a Sponsor for the 2024 Montrose LandxSea Film Fest. Join our mission to create a truly remarkable event.
Support the LandxSea mission by making a donation. Your contribution helps us keep screenings accessible, grow our youth programming, and continue to host world-class environmental films and events in Angus. Montrose LandxSea Film Festival SCIO is a Registered Charity in Scotland (SC053626).
Our Community Partners are leading environmental, arts, and community organisations across the region. They bring the expertise and opportunities for our audiences to make lasting environmental change.
We couldn't make this festival happen without our amazing Volunteer Team. If you love good films, are passionate about the environment, and want to make a difference, we welcome you aboard!